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Re: accessible table sorting


From: Dean Hamack
Date: Apr 21, 2009 4:10PM

It would work, but not very well because there are so many columns in
this case. So you would have to have a ton of entries like "sort by
category ascending", "sort by category descending", etc. It also doesn't
fit into the design specs I need to follow.

I need a simple arrow in each column that when clicked sorts by that
heading in an ascending order, and when clicked again sorts in a
descending order. It's a vary common format, I'm just trying to figure
out how to make it the most obvious for someone who can't see the

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: [WebAIM] accessible table sorting
> From: Randi < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
> Date: Tue, April 21, 2009 2:58 pm
> To: WebAIM Discussion List < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
> Would a drop down menu work? I love drop down menus for things like
> this. I'm no techie though, so I might be off track.