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Re: accessible table sorting


From: Dean Hamack
Date: Apr 21, 2009 5:00PM

Yes, you are correct on all counts.

My first inclination is to just make the header text a link with a title
that says "sort". But a couple people pointed out that title text isn't
usually read by default.

Using hardcoded images for the arrows with alt text is not an option
because the arrow image needs to change when clicked. That's easy to do
with a css background image, but not one that is hardcoded in.

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: [WebAIM] accessible table sorting
> From: Randi < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
> Date: Tue, April 21, 2009 3:37 pm
> To: WebAIM Discussion List < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
> I see. So its on a results page, and you want to give the option of
> clicking the arrow to sort by ascending or descending. So for someone
> who is sighted, thiswould be obvious? Is it kind of like expanding a
> menu by clicking the plus or negative sign? If I'm following, could
> you include some hidden text explaining what the arrow would do? And
> then work your magic on the arrow? The reader would say, click on
> arrow to sort in ascending order, and then it would say arrow.
> I've run into arrows that are supposed to do stuff, and then they
> don't do anything. So I might be off base. Or if they do something, it
> doesn't say anything. Thats why I love drop down menus.