E-mail List Archives
Re: Is email accessible?
From: Rich Pedley
Date: Apr 29, 2009 3:25PM
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On 29/04/2009 20:12, David Andrews wrote:
> At 02:55 AM 4/29/2009, Rich Pedley wrote:
>> On 29/04/2009 00:52, John Foliot wrote:
>>> This.
>>> What is wrong with top posting?
>> You really want me to answer that?
> DA: Well, I didn't top post in this instance, because I would guess
> from your message that you are against it, but I did so as a courtesy to you.
Actually you are only partially correct - in that I do prefer bottom
posting. But I've been around for a number of years now and am more
used to it than top posting.
Top posting is usually preferred by people that use screen
readers(amongst the blind people I have conversed with anyway). Though
I think the developers of said software should make it easier to skip
portions of quoted text in email, especially as the conventional quote
character > has been around longer than I have.
But when people insist on not snipping, leaving in huge chunks of
unnecessary gumf, then top posting is actually superior.
However, trying to join in an existing conversation becomes much more
difficult when everyone top posts - you have read down, scroll up,
read down, scroll up etc etc. By interspersing replies and snipping to
the minimum you can read the flow of what has been said a lot easier.
So I'm much like yourself, whatever fits in with majority. I just wish
people would snip more.
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