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Re: Accessible CAPTCHA


From: Cliff Tyllick
Date: Jul 1, 2009 3:25PM

Seth, I'll save Jared Smith of WebAIM the trouble of answering by quoting an earlier answer he gave. There was more back-and-forth on this discussion, but this is what I took home from it.

This is Jared speaking:

Here are a few options:




*All* CAPTCHAs can be broken. Even the most complex, inaccessible ones
at Yahoo and Google are being bypassed now. The question you have to
ask is, "would anyone dedicate a lot of time to implement a system for
bypassing my CAPTCHA?" If the answer is "no", then you don't even need
to implement CAPTCHA at all. If the problem is spam from a web form,
CAPTCHA *is not* the best solution.

By implementing just a couple of the simple, back-end techniques I
wrote about at http://www.webaim.org/blog/spam_free_accessible_forms/
you can get rid of probably 99.9% of bot submissions. While someone
could get around all of these techniques (and indeed any CAPTCHA,
particularly the "accessible" ones",) they probably are not likely to
spend the time to do so just to send you a bit of spam. For the many
sites on which I have implemented this approach, the spam has been
reduced to at most a few per year - and those are almost certainly
human spammers.
This is the end of Jared's comments.

I've found this approach to be reliable enough on a site that I maintain for a nonprofit.

Cliff Tyllick
Web development coordinator
Agency Communications Division
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

>>> Seth Kane < <EMAIL REMOVED> > 7/1/2009 4:14 PM >>>
I am sure I already know the answer to this but is there such a thing of an Accessible CAPTCHA

I tried reCAPTACH with Jaws and NVDA and it is nearly impossible to use.

I am looking for an example of one that will pass accessibility testing, not alternative methods. If there isn't such a thing I am ok with that as an answer as well.

