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Re: Safeway.com issues


From: Randi Oomens
Date: Jul 31, 2009 12:15PM

Yes, this has been quite the complicated experience. After I
registered at shop.safeway.com/access, I tried to get in and shop and
it kept taking me to the register page. I had to call back, and get
the address to actually shop, which is shop.safeway.com/access/
default.asp. It doesn't take you there by default once you've actually
registered, and was not included in the welcome email.

I worry that most people would get frustrated and give up, rather than
keeping on it and calling. Whey they don't automatically take you to
the right site, I have no idea.

Stephan, it has to register, because this is for the home dilivery. On
the main site, you can browse without registering.

Is it me, or should this not be so complicated? Is it me, or should
they have the accessible link somehwere on the main page? I don't feel
like I should have had to call to get this all to work. Now I will try
the shopping...I wonder how that will be.
