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Re: Complex "Rule" table in PDF
From: Dona Patrick
Date: Aug 19, 2009 10:35AM
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Can you point us to documentation on how to use id attributes? I asked you
on twitter a while ago and you said a document was being prepared.
Dona Patrick
@cedarwaxwing (on twitter)
On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 12:23 PM, Andrew Kirkpatrick < <EMAIL REMOVED> >wrote:
> Just like if you wanted this table to be accessible in HTML, you are going
> to need to use headers and id attributes.
> Thanks,
> Andrew Kirkpatrick
> Senior Product Manager, Accessibility
> Adobe Systems
> From: Langum, Michael J [mailto: <EMAIL REMOVED> ]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 11:48 AM
> To: Duff Johnson; <EMAIL REMOVED> ; Andrew Kirkpatrick; Don
> Barrett; <EMAIL REMOVED>
> Subject: Complex "Rule" table in PDF
> You guys are my "go to" people for difficult PDF/accessibility issues. If
> anyone has time, I'd really appreciate some help on this.
> I have been given a large document with many complex rule tables like this:
> http://www.opm.gov/_mike/test/PDF-Issues/BadTableExample.pdf.
> You'll notice that the "IF" part of the rules covers columns 2 - 4, and the
> "THEN" part of the rules covers columns 5 - 8.
> Also, in many cases, cells span multiple rows.
> What is the best way to work with this in PDF tagging?
> I'm sure I can't simply make all the cells in the first column be <th> and
> add "scope=row".
> Would it be enough to make all the cells in the "IF" columns be <th> and
> add "scope=row"?
> Do I need to explicitly copy and paste the contents of all the related "IF"
> cells, into the "alternate text" for each cell in the "THEN" cells?
> Are there reasonable alternatives?
> -- Mike
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