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Re: Alternatives to LEGEND for a radio button?
From: Geof Collis
Date: Aug 28, 2009 4:50PM
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>So I wonder if 'forms mode' is more or less just activated once you
>start tabbing into form fields.
*Forms mode is activate when I want it to,
although JAWS 6.0 sometimes automatically goes int forms mode.
>Mike...EXCELLENT info on the 'tab ring' concept. I didn't get a chance
>to get back into this project this week but will give your suggestion
>of giving the header a tab index of 0 within the form next week.
>Fingers crossed that that will work as it sounds like a nice
*I'm getting really confused with all the "hacks"
people on this list are speaking of. If I as a
JAWS user tab through a form and memorize the
order of the form fields and then you use
"tabindex" to change the order, how does that
help? Does it go against the following
F44: Failure of Success Criterion 2.4.3 due to
using tabindex to create a tab order that does
not preserve meaning and operability
Perhaps I missed something, but why are you using
headings in a form? Again I dont need useless
chatter when filling out forms. What I need is to
go into forms mode, be able to tab from one field
to another complete the task and then finish the
task, I dont need someone making the form look
good at the expense of a screen reader user.
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- Next message: Jukka K. Korpela: "Re: css off"
- Previous message: D A: "Re: Alternatives to LEGEND for a radio button?"
- Next message in Thread: Moore,Michael: "Re: Alternatives to LEGEND for a radio button?"
- Previous message in Thread: D A: "Re: Alternatives to LEGEND for a radio button?"
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