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Re: Alternatives to LEGEND for a radio button?
From: Moore,Michael
Date: Aug 31, 2009 6:50AM
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Historically forms mode has been something controlled by the user, at least until JAWS 10. In JAWS 10 forms mode is activated automatically when a user enters a text field, it is not needed for radio buttons or check boxes. This "auto forms mode" feature can be turned off by the user. In testing we have found that auto forms mode has some issues, particularly when there is a bit of client side scripting running. The latest patches for JAWS 10 work better but it still is a little buggy.
Mike Moore
- Next message: Mark Guisinger: "Some good examples"
- Previous message: Andrew Kirkpatrick: "Re: Q: Best tags to use"
- Next message in Thread: D A: "Re: Alternatives to LEGEND for a radio button?"
- Previous message in Thread: Geof Collis: "Re: Alternatives to LEGEND for a radio button?"
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