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Re: Pagemaker or QuarkXPress and Accessible PDF Document
From: Karl Groves
Date: Sep 4, 2009 12:10PM
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Karlen Communications < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
>Generally Adobe InDesign does a fair job of creating the Tags for a document
>exported to tagged PDF but you have to do some work as you design the
>document to get the most out of InDesign's capabilities.
>Check your version of PageMaker to see if you can use the export settings to
>create tagged PDF. Of course the Tags will depend on how the document was
>created and Adobe has some resources on their web site for creating
>accessible documents/InDesign based.
>I've heard that the most recent version of Quark will let you export to
>tagged PDF but can't find any documentation on their web site about this so
>cannot confirm this. If anyone knows where it is, let me know!
>If you already have the PDF you can use Adobe Acrobat to add the Tags.
>Cheers, Karen
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- Previous message in Thread: Steve Green: "Re: Pagemaker or QuarkXPress and Accessible PDF Document"
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