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Re: accessible rotating image scripts?
From: Christian Heilmann
Date: Jan 23, 2010 9:36AM
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Al Sparber wrote:
> I understand and sympathize with your position. But web developers,
> especially ones who must make attractive and interactive designs to satisfy
> clients and customers, are being dumped on, too. The entire situation could
> be mitigated if only screen readers were held to a standard that made sense.
> It could be as ridiculously simple as honoring a CSS media type.
> Instead, developers must deal with dumbfounding technologies such as ARIA.
> Of course, there are folks who think this is the right approach and for them
> I have simply no answer.
ARIA is the answer. With ARIA we can define what is a carousel rather
than having to hack it together.
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- Previous message: Christian Heilmann: "Re: accessible rotating image scripts?"
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- Previous message in Thread: Christian Heilmann: "Re: accessible rotating image scripts?"
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