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Re: accessible rotating image scripts?
From: Al Sparber
Date: Jan 23, 2010 10:06AM
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That's even worse :-)
I'm not going to convince you of anything and that's certainly not my goal.
And I certainly am not so presumptuous as to think that in this industry
anything is "THE ANSWER". But my humble sense of logic tells me (and perhaps
only me) that if I were blind and wanted to propose the ideal "carousel"
here is how I would tell the designer to do it:
1. Make it so that all the links and controls that sighted people see are
invisible to my screen reader.
2. Simply make it so that my screen reader reads the content linearly and
naturally as if the sliding panels were, to a sighted person, ordinary
blocks of content displayed on the page.
That's it.
Of course, the screen reader makers and the standards makers have to be on
the same page and share the same logic. Sadly, though, our industry leaders
don't often allow their logic to be simple as it takes away the fun of
developing and promoting more complex and technology-laden solutions - the
kind that lead to book deals and speaking gigs :-)
Al Sparber
From: "Christian Heilmann" < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
> ARIA is the answer. With ARIA we can define what is a carousel rather
> than having to hack it together.
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