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Re: WCAG and various Laws
From: Simius Puer
Date: Mar 30, 2010 11:09AM
- Next message: Christophe Strobbe: "Re: WCAG and various Laws"
- Previous message: Geof Collis: "Re: WCAG and various Laws"
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> After poking around a bit I found that many weren't that recent so
> not very helpful to my cause.
...Sorry Geof. I perhaps should have put a disclaimer on my email ;)
Good quality, accurate content is the part of the foundations for
accessibility (and usability in general) even though you won't see that in
any guidelines, so it's sad to see the WAI information being so out of date
(no great shock), but then, that was the point I making about the
feasibility of a centralised source for this information.
Best of luck with your information hunting and it would be great if you
could share your findings (maybe you could email it to the WAI heh heh!!) if
you get more.
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- Previous message: Geof Collis: "Re: WCAG and various Laws"
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