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Re: WCAG and various Laws
From: Denis Boudreau
Date: Mar 30, 2010 8:21PM
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Hey Geof,
On 2010-03-30, at 6:30 PM, Geof Collis wrote:
> Yikes!! LOL
> So does it it say somewhere in there Level AA? I
> got WCAG 2.0 but didn't detect the level not being bilingual myself. :O)
Lol. Basically, it says that our standard's level 2 requirements are equivalent to WCAG 2.0 lvl A and that our standard's level 3 requirements are equivalent to WCAG 2.0 lvl AA.
It also says that some success criterion were left out because they were considered too complicated or restrictive by the government committee who has the final say in what goes on or not.
Like I said, it all gets flattened out in the next version, but it still requires a conformance level equivalent to WCAG 2 lvl AA all across the board for public websites.
Denis Boudreau
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