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Re: Wai Aria how useful?


From: Léonie Watson
Date: Jul 27, 2010 10:39AM

"Why would you consider user testing with a screen reader that is not yet widely used to be useful? I agree that NVDA has better support for ARIA at this time than the main stream screen readers. But using NVDA for user testing for visually impaired users would be like relying on Arora as your browser for user testing for non-disabled users."

NVDA is rapidly growing in popularity. Whilst it lacks some of the functionality that other screen readers provide, it's increasingly used as a backup option and in time I think we'll see it gain primary ground as well.

Jaws is undoubtedly the most popular primary option, but the Webaim survey reports that 49% of people use more than one screen reader. Of the alternatives, NVDA is the most popular with nearly 26% of people choosing it.


Nomensa - humanising technology

Léonie Watson | Director of Accessibility
t. +44 (0)117 929 7333