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Re: Wai Aria how useful?


From: Christophe Strobbe
Date: Jul 27, 2010 10:09AM

At 16:58 27/07/2010, <EMAIL REMOVED> wrote:
> > Can anyone provide more specific pointers on WAI-ARIA support in YUI 3?
>Would this be of useful?

I had seen this. The article shows, for example, how you can easily
add a role to a custom widget. It does not add new information about
ARIA support in YUI 3's own widgets (the ones I mentioned in my
previous message). If you search the code for the Slider widget for
'role', you get nothing. There is also no mention of role in the JS
code for Overlay - because it is a generic widget. The newer TabView
widget in YUI 3.1.1 has a role = tablist (line 195 in tabview.js).
If you want a slider with WAI-ARIA role = slider, it seems you need
that add that role by yourself. As far as I can tell, even reusing
the YUI 2 Slider in YUI 3 won't help.

Best regards,

