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Re: Wai Aria how useful?


From: Claudia.Case
Date: Jul 27, 2010 2:30PM

A note about ARIA working code examples... Not all ARIA widgets are created equal!

About 3 months ago, I tested a number of publicly available working code examples. I focused my testing on each widgets' semantic accuracy (role/properties/states) and keyboard operation vis-a-vis the design pattern guidelines in WAI-ARIA's Authoring Practices (http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices/#aria_ex).

Here's a list of the examples that had a high-level of conformance with the WAI-ARIA design pattern guidelines, both semantically and in keyboard operation:
CodeTalks | Date Picker example
Dojo | Button/Button Menu example
Dojo | Dialog (modal) example
Frequency-Decoder | Date Picker example
Google Web Toolkit | Rich Text example
Google Web Toolkit | TreeView example
YUI 2 | Container example
YUI 2 | Menu example
YUI 2 | TabView example

Here's a list of the examples that did a less than stellar job conforming to the guidelines:
YUI 2 | Button example
YUI 2 | Carousel example
Google Web Toolkit | Date Picker example
Google Web Toolkit | Menu example

I want to reiterate that these results are 3 months old. In the future, I plan to repeat the testing using Firefox 3.6 and IE8 and I expect those tests to yield even better results.
