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Re: skip navigation, anchor tags, and Netscape
From: James Merrill
Date: Feb 9, 2000 3:09PM
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- Previous message in Thread: Crystal Allen: "Re: skip navigation, anchor tags, and Netscape"
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Interesting! I noticed the same problem when navigating through IBM's web
accessibility site at http://www.austin.ibm.com/sns/accessweb with
Netscape. However IE handled the skip navigation just fine. Another
interesting note is that the skip navigation on the IBM site is a hidden
field and would only be picked up with a text reader and not visually. What
is the general opinion on hiding the skip navigation link? Are there
reasons why it should or should not be hidden?
James :)
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- Previous message: Crystal Allen: "Re: skip navigation, anchor tags, and Netscape"
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- Previous message in Thread: Crystal Allen: "Re: skip navigation, anchor tags, and Netscape"
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