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Re: skip navigation, anchor tags, and Netscape
From: Prof Norm Coombs
Date: Feb 9, 2000 7:41PM
- Next message: Paul Bohman: "Re: skip navigation, anchor tags, and Netscape"
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Netscape is doing a slow and poor job of implimenting the access features
of html 4.0. This raises a real question of whether and when to bother
using these features.
Netscape and Explorer handle various items, not only access items,
differently. This makes web design much harder than need be.
At 02:45 PM 2/9/00 -0700, you wrote:
>We encountered an interesting problem when using skip navigation links and a
>Netscape browser. If you tab through a page and select the skip nav link it
>should take you to the main content (or where ever the anchor tag that you
>are pointing to is located). IE manages to correctly use the skip nav, but
>when you select the skip nav link in Netscape it takes you to the next
>sequential link instead of the link following the designated anchor tag.
>Our theory is that Netscape just does not support anchor tags correctly.
>Has anyone had similar experience with skip nav or anchor tags?
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