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Acrobat Pro X - Issues and Comparisons Query
From: Velanche Stewart
Date: Feb 2, 2011 4:54PM
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Our university has just acquired Adobe Acrobat Pro X for both Windows and OS X platforms. The last time I've actively used Acrobat for accessibility was version 8. Our university decided to skip CS4, so no version 9. We've acquired version 9 last year, but X was available before I was able to use 9.
I'm looking forward to the listed improvements that I've read both on the Webaim site and Adobe's accessibility site. However, I didn't see much documentation for the OS X version. We have a sizable OS X population within our College of Liberal Arts, so I'm investigating if the shortcomings that have afflicted PDF's and Acrobat Pro 8 still exists in Pro X. The biggest issues at the time was with PDFMaker converting Word and Excel files with accessibility tags. All PDF's had to either be created from scratch or could be tagged, but tags in Office documents prior to using Acrobat would be stripped.
Also, any other issues regarding creating, saving, tagging, and file conversion on the Mac OS X side via Acrobat Pro X to note would be welcome.
FYI...our users are either using Leopard (10.5+) or Snow Leopard (10.6+).
I've been searching the Internet for such info without much luck, so any info you can offer would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for reading; looking forward to your replies.
Velanche Stewart
I.T. Consultant/Web Accessibility Coordinator
College of Liberal Arts
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
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