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Re: does datepicker have to be accessible
From: Paul.Adam
Date: Feb 15, 2011 12:51PM
- Next message: Jukka K. Korpela: "Re: visual focus for anchor tags"
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- Next message in Thread: Robinson, Grant (CSS): "Re: does datepicker have to be accessible"
- Previous message in Thread: Jeevan Reddy: "Re: does datepicker have to be accessible."
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From working in state government for over a year I just wanted to chime in and say you are exactly right! Excellent assessment of typical situations I've seen! I think it all comes down to the contract procurements and not implementing accessibility requirements from the beginning.
Hopefully things will change soon and we don't lose momentum with all the state and federal budget cuts.
Paul Adam
Accessibility Specialist
Center for Policy and Innovation
- Next message: Jukka K. Korpela: "Re: visual focus for anchor tags"
- Previous message: Hoffman, Allen: "Re: visual focus for anchor tags"
- Next message in Thread: Robinson, Grant (CSS): "Re: does datepicker have to be accessible"
- Previous message in Thread: Jeevan Reddy: "Re: does datepicker have to be accessible."
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