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Re: does datepicker have to be accessible
From: Robinson, Grant (CSS)
Date: Feb 16, 2011 2:21PM
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- Previous message in Thread: Paul.Adam@dars.state.tx.us: "Re: does datepicker have to be accessible"
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If accessibility is only considered when the developer
gets their hands on the functional specs, or the RFP
has been written, then you are already 3/4 on the way to
Really, accessibility in an organization should be treated
Just like security or privacy. Maybe you have checklists,
Maybe you incorporate accessibility cues and examples in
Your project gating process, or maybe evan, during your
Next business architecture review.
While we often talk about code level accessibility, more
Thought and effort needs to be brought out long before
The first line of code is written or the COTS application is selected,
- Next message: Miller, Derella: "Re: Articulate Accessibility Issues?"
- Previous message: Pollard, Larry W. (DRS): "Re: Articulate Accessibility Issues?"
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- Previous message in Thread: Paul.Adam@dars.state.tx.us: "Re: does datepicker have to be accessible"
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