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Re: AT and ALT text in different languages
From: Jeevan Reddy
Date: Mar 6, 2011 11:06PM
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Hello KerryA,
Using Lang attribute alone wont sufficient.
should use alt text also in the corresponding language to read the language
changes by AT.
you should also consider the following Scenarios:
1 Gooogle wont consider language changes inside a document, it is totally
ment for AT. google always likes to see main document language..
2 Even you used both 'lang' and ALT text in the corresponding language,
some AT have limitation on some languages. for example if you used Lang
attribute and alt text in Arabic, JAWS says change in language well and
read that alt text just like a stupid, i.e JAWS says Arabic and and some
stupid text.
3 In your case, if you applied the above language changes, Screen readers
read the alt text in one language first, and reads the other text in
english, and cause a bit of confusion.
Jeevan Reddy,
Accessibility Engineer,
Onya Digital Solutions,
Bangalore, India.
On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 5:27 AM, Webb, KerryA < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> >
> > There's been a complaint about this page: http://votensw.info/enrolment
> >
> > They pointed out that the images in the various languages have English
> > text.
> >
> > Can anyone suggest how this could be remedied so that AT would read out
> > the text in the appropriate language?
> >
> Just after I posted this, I found a reference to the use of the "lang"
> attribute, which would seem to fill the bill. I assume that you could put
> this in the <img> element.
> Kerry
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