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Re: Do screen readers read title attribute if there is no label tag on form elements?
From: Michael.Moore
Date: Apr 20, 2011 6:54AM
- Next message: Angela French: "Re: LongDesc for documents, not websites"
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- Next message in Thread: Jason Megginson: "Re: Do screen readers read title attribute if there is no label tag on form elements?"
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One added piece of bit of information regarding the use of the title attribute. The ZoomText screen reader does not support the label tag with its speech output but it does read the title attribute.
Since we have a large number of ZoomText users among our staff we have used both the title attribute and the label element when coding our internal applications. The only risk of this approach is that some screen readers can be configured by the user to read both the label and the title and redundant information will be heard.
Mike Moore
- Next message: Angela French: "Re: LongDesc for documents, not websites"
- Previous message: Will Grignon: "Re: LongDesc for documents, not websites"
- Next message in Thread: Jason Megginson: "Re: Do screen readers read title attribute if there is no label tag on form elements?"
- Previous message in Thread: Jukka K. Korpela: "Re: Do screen readers read title attirbute if there is no label tag on form elements?"
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