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Re: Online courses for web accessibility
From: Patterson, David (ITD)
Date: Apr 26, 2011 1:15PM
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Another place that you might find useful is Think Vitamin - Learn
Link to the Learn Accessibility Video Course: http://j.mp/accessvideos
The Think Vitamin" Learn Accessibility Video Tutorial is a course that
teaches you how to make websites that are full accessible to everybody,
including those with disabilities. It teaches you Accessibility from the
basics through to advanced levels. It covers the following areas in a
series of lessons: Fundamentals, Websites, and Web Apps.
The course can be divided into two levels, an introduction to
accessibility fundamentals that teaches anyone about accessibility, and
then provides lessons for web developers on how to build websites and
web applications that are accessible.
Part One - Fundamentals and the Screen Reader section in Part Two -
Websites gives a good introduction to accessibility.
The remainder of the eLearning course provides web developers with a
foundation for creating accessible web sites and applications. Part Two
- Websites consists of a project that creates a small website that is
designed to be accessible using only HTML semantic markup. It talks
about basic components: headers, navigation, images, content, buttons,
and tables.
Part Three - Web Applications provides basic information on how to make
web applications accessible, including forms, tables, dynamic elements
and charts / graphs. However, it does not provide enough in-depth
information on specifics needed to create a fully accessible website or
- Next message: Patterson, David (ITD): "Re: Online courses for web accessibility"
- Previous message: Jordan, Courtney: "Re: Online courses for web accessibility"
- Next message in Thread: Patterson, David (ITD): "Re: Online courses for web accessibility"
- Previous message in Thread: Jordan, Courtney: "Re: Online courses for web accessibility"
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