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Re: Smarthinking
From: Morin, Gary (NIH/OD) [E]
Date: Jun 29, 2011 12:24PM
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- Previous message in Thread: Poore-Pariseau, Cindy: "Re: Smarthinking"
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Hi, Cindy - did you ask specifically about its use with JAWS or about accessibility in general? Did they make the assumption that the student used JAWS? I'm just wondering if their programs are accessible to persons with other disabilities or using other assistive technologies (screen magnifiers, speech recognition software, etc.).
Personally, I'm not sure how I feel about their response. It was responsive, in a manner of speaking (offering you a difference service; it didn't address how their program could be accessible or that they even appreciated your bringing the issue to their attention.
Gary M. Morin,
- Next message: Pooja.Nahata@cognizant.com: "Refresh of the Section 508 Standards"
- Previous message: Andrew Kirkpatrick: "Re: PDF accessibility repair question"
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- Previous message in Thread: Poore-Pariseau, Cindy: "Re: Smarthinking"
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