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Re: Usage Statistics? JAWS and IE
From: McDonald, Jennifer
Date: Jul 20, 2011 10:57AM
- Next message: Steve Green: "Re: Usage Statistics? JAWS and IE"
- Previous message: Barry Johnson: "Re: Usage Statistics? JAWS and IE"
- Next message in Thread: Steve Green: "Re: Usage Statistics? JAWS and IE"
- Previous message in Thread: Barry Johnson: "Re: Usage Statistics? JAWS and IE"
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Thanks. I've reviewed that and was looking for a little more specific
information. Is anyone still on JAWS 9? Do people who use JAWS update
IE when a new version is out? Things like that. Would anyone who is
using JAWS 12 still be using IE7? I'm trying to get a feel of how people
maintain their versions.
- Next message: Steve Green: "Re: Usage Statistics? JAWS and IE"
- Previous message: Barry Johnson: "Re: Usage Statistics? JAWS and IE"
- Next message in Thread: Steve Green: "Re: Usage Statistics? JAWS and IE"
- Previous message in Thread: Barry Johnson: "Re: Usage Statistics? JAWS and IE"
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