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Re: 508 compliant checkbox form controls
From: Hoffman, Allen
Date: Aug 2, 2011 1:06PM
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- Previous message in Thread: Ritz, Courtney L. (GSFC-7500): "Re: 508 compliant checkbox form controls"
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DHS would fail for Section 508 compliance a checkbox if it didn't
include the question also. the rationale is that the 36 CFR 1194.22(n)
requirement says all directions and cues etc. It is quite verbose about
"all". this is a difference between a standard and a guideline to some
extent--standards should be as clear as is feasible to eliminate
unclarity. One more usability caveat of this is that such items should,
as is feasible, put the answer first, so that the screen reader user can
hit the stop speech key if they don't need the question re-read, but
that is strictly usability, not something the standard documents in
text/requirement. I think this is a misconception driven by screen
reader testing, which is not what the standard says.
- Next message: Hoffman, Allen: "Re: 508 compliant checkbox form controls"
- Previous message: Birkir R. Gunnarsson: "Is this a problem with ARIA implementation on authoring site or a problem with Jaws?"
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- Previous message in Thread: Ritz, Courtney L. (GSFC-7500): "Re: 508 compliant checkbox form controls"
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