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Accessibility of Google Ads frames
From: Ritz, Courtney L. (GSFC-7500)
Date: Aug 9, 2011 7:54AM
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Hi again,
I've encountered a Web site that has a few Google Ads frames on each page. Some of these have Flash content within them that isn't accessible. In fact, using JAWS, if I get my cursor into one of these Flash objects I can't get it out and have to refresh the page to get control back again. I know that I have seen many accessible Google Ads frames, including on the WEBAIM site, of course.
My question is, does the developer who includes Google Ads on his or her site have any control over what gets shown in those frames? I've walked the developer through fixing some other accessibility issues, but I'm not sure how to approach this one, and he says that he can't change what's in them. To me, these affect the overall accessibility of the site.
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