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Making a slideshow accessible
From: Amy Rogers
Date: Aug 15, 2011 12:06PM
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I didn't get any response to my earlier inquiry (see below), so I thought to rephrase my question. If no one knows the answer, I will appreciate recommendations to another resource where I may get help.
We want to make sure we can make a slideshow that is part image and part text accessible to sight and mobile challenged users. I want to know how does such user navigate through this type of slideshow? Do their software know where to start navigating, and read the text? The slideshow was constructed with PHP. No flash technology is used.
I will appreciate any enlightenment on this issue.
Thank you.
From: Amy Rogers
Date: Aug 11, 2011 4:27PM
Hello, I'm new here. I need feedback and advice. I have already searched the archives.
We sell a web-based service. On the home page, in the first screen, an idea is to feature a slideshow -- a series of 5 slides -- highlighting the service's main features.
In each slide, a screenshot of a feature is on the left, and, to its right, a list of bulleted text (actual text, not text in image).
To navigate through the slides, there would be a button for each slide below the slide area. The user proactively clicks on each one.
How do we make it easier for a sight and mobile impaired person navigate through the slides?
If there are examples of websites that have done the same thing and it's accessible, I will love to get their URLs.
Thank you!
- Next message: John E Brandt: "Re: Making a slideshow accessible"
- Previous message: Yves Serrano: "Re: hide decorative characters from screen readers"
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