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Re: Making a slideshow accessible
From: John E Brandt
Date: Aug 15, 2011 1:42PM
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- Previous message: Amy Rogers: "Making a slideshow accessible"
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- Previous message in Thread: Amy Rogers: "Making a slideshow accessible"
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Earlier this year I searched high and low to find an easy to use,
accessible, photo slideshow carousel. I had some folks here in the group
suggest some things and I found several possibilities, but had a tough time
implementing. I settled on a very simple JavaScript version that allowed me
to put ALT text code in with a generic description. I was unsuccessful in
getting player buttons to work or show up in the design in a way that was to
my liking. I put a lot of time into this and did not feel it was fair to
bill the client who was eager to get it up and working. You can see the
results on the link below. It passes the WebAIM WAVE test, but probably
violates something because there are no controls for the script.
Feel free to contact me off list if you want to discuss further.
John E. Brandt
Augusta, Maine, USA
- Next message: Ryan E. Benson: "Re: Making a slideshow accessible"
- Previous message: Amy Rogers: "Making a slideshow accessible"
- Next message in Thread: Ryan E. Benson: "Re: Making a slideshow accessible"
- Previous message in Thread: Amy Rogers: "Making a slideshow accessible"
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