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Re: accessible youtube player that has a "show captions" option
From: Sandy
Date: Aug 26, 2011 10:21AM
- Next message: deborah.kaplan@suberic.net: "Re: accessible youtube player that has a "show captions" option"
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- Next message in Thread: deborah.kaplan@suberic.net: "Re: accessible youtube player that has a "show captions" option"
- Previous message in Thread: Rick Hill: "Re: accessible youtube player that has a "show captions"option"
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> Would it be possible to embed the YouTube player and then to add some
> links via Javascript to control the player (either above or below the
> player)? This would result in duplication of controls, but would also
> mean that you have keyboard accessible controls and access to captions.
Everett, it sounds like a great idea, maybe even possible if I can get
some help ...
- Next message: deborah.kaplan@suberic.net: "Re: accessible youtube player that has a "show captions" option"
- Previous message: Rick Hill: "Re: accessible youtube player that has a "show captions"option"
- Next message in Thread: deborah.kaplan@suberic.net: "Re: accessible youtube player that has a "show captions" option"
- Previous message in Thread: Rick Hill: "Re: accessible youtube player that has a "show captions"option"
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