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Re: Word Headings and Title
From: LSnider
Date: Sep 1, 2011 10:39AM
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Hi Christophe,
Interesting, thanks so much for sharing that information.
On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 2:59 AM, Christophe Strobbe <
<EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> Both Microsoft Word and LibreOffice Writer / OpenOffice.org Writer
> have a Title style that can be used for the document's title and a
> Subtitle style for (obviously) the document's subtitle. Heading 1,
> Heading 2, etcetera can then be used for chapter titles and chapter
> subdivisions. These will show up in the Navigation panel (in MS Word)
> or the Navigator (in Writer) and in the table of contents that you
> can generate automatically in both word processors. (Title and
> Subtitle do not show up in the Navigation or the table of contents.)
> Using Heading 1 for the document title overthrows this model.
> There is a mismatch between this model and the HTML model, which does
> not have an element for the document title in the body and therefore
> uses H1. Unfortunately, developers of HTML/XHTML export functions in
> both MS Word and Writer are unaware of this mismatch (or don't care)
> because Title and Subtitle are converted to styled paragraphs instead of
> H1.
> Best regards,
> Christophe
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