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Re: magpie
From: Terzian, Sharon
Date: Sep 22, 2011 7:30AM
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- Previous message: subhash chhetri: "Re: Table Header/Footer/Body Placement and Reading Order"
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thanks, it turns out that my reply to join the magpie list (that my email was valid) bounced, so I just resent that....
thanks for the info, I think I got it to work in general, it's a matter of keeping a LOT of files even if I didn't think they were all necessary and opening them instead of the video itself (and I switched to Realplayer) but I appreciate the DVD advice, the local PBS station kinda sorta offered to help
me, but not long term, and I/we don't need that DVD capacity right now, but I can see the writing (captioning!) on the wall
sharon t
webmistress/sherlock center on disabilities/rhode island college
adjunct professor/CIS/rhode island college school of management
- Next message: Eric Scheibler: "creation of Accessible PDF documents"
- Previous message: subhash chhetri: "Re: Table Header/Footer/Body Placement and Reading Order"
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- Previous message in Thread: Andrew Kirkpatrick: "Re: magpie"
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