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Re: A Module for Morphing Standard ElementsintoAutomatically Accessible Drag and Drop Components UsingCSSSelectors
From: Priti
Date: Oct 5, 2011 2:51AM
- Next message: David Farough: "Re: please test this method of identifying document icons with hyperlinks"
- Previous message: Bryan Garaventa: "Re: A Module for Morphing Standard ElementsintoAutomatically Accessible Drag and Drop Components UsingCSSSelectors"
- Next message in Thread: Bryan Garaventa: "Re: A Module for MorphingStandard ElementsintoAutomatically Accessible Drag and DropComponents UsingCSSSelectors"
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Hi Brian,
Yes! Working fine!
Thanks, one last thing on this: forgot to include it on yesterday's findings
- <ul> is not used for the items that are available below the heading
"Reading List", any specific reason? It is available when the selected items
are dropped. Just wanted to know if is there any specific reasoning behind
doing so?
Once again great work!
Thanks & Regards,
Priti Rohra
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/pritirohra
- Next message: David Farough: "Re: please test this method of identifying document icons with hyperlinks"
- Previous message: Bryan Garaventa: "Re: A Module for Morphing Standard ElementsintoAutomatically Accessible Drag and Drop Components UsingCSSSelectors"
- Next message in Thread: Bryan Garaventa: "Re: A Module for MorphingStandard ElementsintoAutomatically Accessible Drag and DropComponents UsingCSSSelectors"
- Previous message in Thread: Bryan Garaventa: "Re: A Module for Morphing Standard ElementsintoAutomatically Accessible Drag and Drop Components UsingCSSSelectors"
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