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Re: A Module for MorphingStandard ElementsintoAutomatically Accessible Drag and DropComponents UsingCSSSelectors
From: Bryan Garaventa
Date: Oct 5, 2011 8:12AM
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- Previous message in Thread: Priti: "Re: A Module for Morphing Standard ElementsintoAutomatically Accessible Drag and Drop Components UsingCSSSelectors"
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Excellent! Thanks :)
Within the Bookshelf list, I'm using a UL tag, and within the Reading List,
I'm using an OL tag. Functionally both work the same since list-style is set
to "none". I mainly did this so the two sections would be clearly
differentiated within the code for developers reading the code. Otherwise,
both could be made to use UL tags without a problem, or DIV tags, or any
other container element.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Priti" < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
To: "'WebAIM Discussion List'" < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 1:53 AM
Subject: Re: [WebAIM] A Module for MorphingStandard
ElementsintoAutomatically Accessible Drag and DropComponents
> Hi Brian,
> Yes! Working fine!
> Thanks, one last thing on this: forgot to include it on yesterday's
> findings
> - <ul> is not used for the items that are available below the heading
> "Reading List", any specific reason? It is available when the selected
> items
> are dropped. Just wanted to know if is there any specific reasoning behind
> doing so?
> Once again great work!
> Thanks & Regards,
> Priti Rohra
> Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/pritirohra
- Next message: Paul Adam: "Re: Accessible screen-cast tool"
- Previous message: David Farough: "Re: please test this method of identifying document icons with hyperlinks"
- Next message in Thread: SaravanaMoorthy.P@cognizant.com: "Re: A Module for Morphing Standard Elements into Automatically Accessible Drag and Drop Components Using CSS Selectors (saravana moorthy)"
- Previous message in Thread: Priti: "Re: A Module for Morphing Standard ElementsintoAutomatically Accessible Drag and Drop Components UsingCSSSelectors"
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