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CynthiaSays giving me a false results


From: Angela French
Date: Nov 1, 2011 1:45PM

I am using CynthiaSays as one of my tools for reviewing the accessibility of web page. When running a in Report Mode: WCAG - Priority 1,2,3, it keeps reporting a failure to me of 13.1 with:

Rule: 13.1.2 - All Anchor elements are required not to use the same link text to refer to different resources.

* Failure - Anchor Element at Line: 430, Column: 12
* Failure - Anchor Element at Line: 436, Column: 12

430: <li><a href="/college/d_i-best.aspx"><span id="_ctl0_mnu_rptButtons__ctl6_rptDropdown__ctl14_spnSelected">Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training (I-BEST)</span></a></li>
432: <li><a href="http://www.sbctc.edu/docs/investment_innov_impact/investment_innovation_impact.pdf"><span id="_ctl0_mnu_rptButtons__ctl6_rptDropdown__ctl15_spnSelected">Investment, Innovation, Impact</span></a></li>
434: <li><a href="http://www.sbctc.edu/docs/data/2009sept_sbctc_strategic_goals_with_measures.ppt"><span id="_ctl0_mnu_rptButtons__ctl6_rptDropdown__ctl16_spnSelected">Logic Model and Measures</span></a></li>
436: <li><a href="/college/d_opportunitygrants.aspx"><span id="_ctl0_mnu_rptButtons__ctl6_rptDropdown__ctl17_spnSelected">Opportunity Grants</span></a></li>

The thing is, I run the test to include file source so I can see what's at those lines, and while there are two links represented there, they neither have the same href OR link label. Has anyone ever seen these false results with CynthiaSays before?

Thank you,

Angela French
Internet Specialist
State Board for Community and Technical Colleges