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Re: Converting Web Video Captions


From: Randy Pope
Date: Nov 1, 2011 2:21PM

Hi John,

I referring to all web video close caption in different format that are
being presented on the website. Currently I was unable to find anything
that will convert any movie format into text automatically. While the video
presentation itself can be presented in a text format accessible for those
who use braille to read, it is not a workable solution for real time
captions such as the news broadcast. As far I know no one is providing
alternative text format for real time text or for real time caption that are
delayed for a few hours. In other words the deaf-blind people depends on
written news on the website. With all the ads and others on the website,
it's quite difficult for these readers to read the information on the

Hope this help.

With Warm Regards,
Randy Pope