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Re: jaws key for flyout menus?
From: Humbert, Joseph A
Date: Nov 2, 2011 5:51AM
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There is no special key, per say. However, the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) has guidelines and authoring practices for Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA). In this case I would recommend you follow the authoring practices for a "Menu" widget, http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices/#menu. It specifies how the keyboard should act with a menu, in your case a fly-out menu. Ryan is correct in that your menu does not need to fly out if coded correctly when using JAWS, but following the W3C WAI-ARIA authoring practices will make it more universal accessible. I hope this would be you goal.
Joe Humbert, Assistive Technology and Web Accessibility Specialist
UITS Adaptive Technology and Accessibility Centers
Indiana University, Indianapolis and Bloomington
535 W Michigan St. IT214 E
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Office Phone: (317) 274-4378
Cell Phone: (317) 644-6824
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- Previous message in Thread: Ryan E. Benson: "Re: jaws key for flyout menus?"
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