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what to do when CMS doesn't support table caption or <tfootr>


From: Angela French
Date: Nov 2, 2011 6:15PM

As mentioned recently, I am working on a project to make our agency website accessible. I anticipate this project taking a couple months to complete.

We use Contribute as our CMS. It seems to be quite limited in its support of accessibility. For instance, when inserting a table, there is no way to define a caption, or to define <tfoot> for purposes of adding supporting footnotes on a table. I am resorting to just "captioning" the table with the appropriate heading level, but am not sure the best way to present table "footnotes". Currently, users have just dropped them into the bottom row .

Has anyone else struggled with this in your CMS and what was your practical solution?


Angela French
Internet Specialist
State Board for Community and Technical Colleges