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rollover buttons in flash presentations
Date: Dec 19, 2011 7:30AM
- Next message: Sailesh Panchang: "Re: Regarding an ARIA calendar picker control that supports automatic accessibility for SR and keyboard users"
- Previous message: Nancy Johnson: "Re: popup not accessible"
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Hi. Thanks for all your help with the crazy forms mode and main landmark JAWS verbosity thing. I've had limited time to say much of anything. And here I am with another question.
I encountered video tutorials which came up with a flash player. The player buttons were keyboard and screen reader accessible, until the video said "click on the buttons on the screen to get more information" The buttons said rollover area button. Is there any keyboard way you can interact with these? Pressing enter on them didn't appear to do anything, or if it did, I couldn't readily find the new text it may have spawned.
- Next message: Sailesh Panchang: "Re: Regarding an ARIA calendar picker control that supports automatic accessibility for SR and keyboard users"
- Previous message: Nancy Johnson: "Re: popup not accessible"
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