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Re: font for "large print" Word document
From: Karlen Communications
Date: Dec 20, 2011 11:15AM
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I would add a how to booklet I wrote on creating and using Style Sets in
Word 2007 and 2010 which let you take an accessible Word document and
customize the font style and size to meet your needs. This lets people with
visual disabilities view accessible Word documents easily with their own
preferences. If you are working in an alternate text production centre, you
can create style sets for clients/students and swap them for the style set
used in an accessible Word document.
Since I can see the serif fonts better, sans serif fonts cause readability
issues for me. I have my own Style Set to swap out on accessible Word
documents to optimize the readability for me.
The how to document is called Creating a Custom Style Set. Although written
for Word 2007, it is the same process in Word 2010.
Cheers, Karen
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