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Re: A question on political correctness...
From: Len Burns
Date: Jul 20, 2012 5:11PM
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There is another aspect to this that I believe must be considered. I
respect the research, but it fails to address how groups of people are
currently asserting certain terms and manners of self-description with
the end of reclaiming ownership.
Many people are asserting pride as a blind, or deaf person. I might
well be proud to be dlind, and if I am, referring to me as a "blind
person" I view as a positive.
Another good example is an organization called GimpGirl Community:
Many a careful thinking person has been rather horrified by the name of
this organization. In fact, it was begun by a woman with a disability
who is proud of who she is and far prefers people call things what they
are rather than talk around them.
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