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Re: Visual location
From: Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis
Date: Aug 16, 2012 10:58AM
- Next message: David Ashleydale: "Re: Visual location"
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On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 5:12 PM, Chris Moore < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> So being told something is on the left suddenly becomes very useful to the user who is exploring the screen with their finger.
> So maybe W3C need to acknowledge that.
Some things to note:
1. The SC does not say that it is wrong to refer to something by
visual location, only that it is wrong to refer to something *only* by
visual location.
2. Just because something is on the left in typical setups does not
mean it will always be on the left. For example, on a small screen the
content might be wrapped so that the target is now above. Or, the user
might be applying a personal stylesheet to web content, so that the
author's positioning is not applied. Or, the author's stylesheet might
have failed to load thanks to a network failure, so the user gets
unstyled content.
3. Web content can be consumed as a pure audio or braille stream
without a screen being involved at all.
Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis
- Next message: David Ashleydale: "Re: Visual location"
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- Previous message in Thread: Bevi Chagnon: "Re: Visual location"
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