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Re: Headings in dialogs.
From: Ramya Sethuraman
Date: Aug 22, 2012 2:07PM
- Next message: Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis: "Re: Headings in dialogs."
- Previous message: Don Mauck: "Re: Headings in dialogs."
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- Previous message in Thread: Don Mauck: "Re: Headings in dialogs."
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Thanks, that helps!
On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 3:40 PM, David Ashleydale < <EMAIL REMOVED> >wrote:
> Don, I think Ramya is saying that the heading is not actually on the page
> until someone opens the dialog. So there are no H3s when the page loads,
> but if someone opens the dialogue, then that causes an H3 to be placed in
> the DOM of the page. But when someone closes the dialogue, the H3
> disappears.
> Ramya, I don't think there's anything wrong with giving the dialogue an H
> heading level and having it sometimes be on the page and sometimes not. If
> it's the "title" of the piece of content that follows it, it should be
> marked up as a heading. It's always nice to not skip levels and not
> misorder the H levels, so do that if you can, but my reading of WCAG
> indicates that if a piece of text truly meets the definition of a heading,
> it's more important for it to be marked up with an H-something than not.
> David
> > > >
*I also exist @: http://www.ramyasethuraman.com*
- Next message: Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis: "Re: Headings in dialogs."
- Previous message: Don Mauck: "Re: Headings in dialogs."
- Next message in Thread: Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis: "Re: Headings in dialogs."
- Previous message in Thread: Don Mauck: "Re: Headings in dialogs."
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