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Re: Text-Readers for development
From: Iaffaldano, Michelangelo
Date: Dec 13, 2012 12:34PM
- Next message: Weissenberger, Todd M: "Re: Text-Readers for development"
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- Previous message in Thread: James Nurthen: "Re: Text-Readers for development"
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While testing with NVDA and Fangs (a Firefox extension that writes a text simulation of a default JAWS output) is very handy, keep in mind that your experience will be completely different from that of a real user of assistive technology. I encourage you to involve real people with disabilities in your testing as much as possible. Shawn Henry wrote a book exactly about that: http://uiaccess.com/accessucd/
- Next message: Weissenberger, Todd M: "Re: Text-Readers for development"
- Previous message: James Nurthen: "Re: Text-Readers for development"
- Next message in Thread: Weissenberger, Todd M: "Re: Text-Readers for development"
- Previous message in Thread: James Nurthen: "Re: Text-Readers for development"
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