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Re: We are being told the Java Access Bridge does not apply toWeb Based Java Applications
From: McKeithan, Thomas
Date: Jan 3, 2013 9:00AM
- Next message: Don Mauck: "Re: We are being told the Java Access Bridge does not apply toWeb Based Java Applications"
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- Previous message in Thread: Michael Burks: "We are being told the Java Access Bridge does not apply to Web Based Java Applications"
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That's ridiculous! Who did you here this from!
Thomas Lee McKeithan II
Accessibility Program Manager
National Industries for the Blind
1310 Braddock Place
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703)310-0586 Direct
(202)276-6437 Cell
"Believing is achieving, for if I believe, I can and I will achieve."
- Next message: Don Mauck: "Re: We are being told the Java Access Bridge does not apply toWeb Based Java Applications"
- Previous message: Michael Burks: "We are being told the Java Access Bridge does not apply to Web Based Java Applications"
- Next message in Thread: Don Mauck: "Re: We are being told the Java Access Bridge does not apply toWeb Based Java Applications"
- Previous message in Thread: Michael Burks: "We are being told the Java Access Bridge does not apply to Web Based Java Applications"
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