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text-only version of web pages
From: Rycca Blanton
Date: Jan 29, 2013 9:31AM
- Next message: Greg Gamble: "Re: The buttons verses links debate"
- Previous message: Henny Swan: "Re: ARIA landmarks, why are they not more descriptive?"
- Next message in Thread: Ryan E. Benson: "Re: text-only version of web pages"
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What is the standard for creating text only versions of webpages? We tried using http://assistive.usablenet.com, and it works fine. However it strips out all the javascript, so our forms, search box, and translate box no longer work. Plus we found a quote on the webaim site (http://webaim.org/articles/design/textonly#intro) saying that practically nobody with a disability benefits from text-only version.
- Next message: Greg Gamble: "Re: The buttons verses links debate"
- Previous message: Henny Swan: "Re: ARIA landmarks, why are they not more descriptive?"
- Next message in Thread: Ryan E. Benson: "Re: text-only version of web pages"
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