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Re: The buttons verses links debate
From: Chagnon | PubCom
Date: Jan 29, 2013 9:36PM
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Birkir wrote: "The art of selling accessibility is always a tricky one."
No, not really.
Basic sales techniques are:
1. Demonstrate the benefits of your product to your prospect.
2. Ask your prospect what they need or want.
3. Provide your prospect with what they need or want.
4. Make it easy and convenient for your prospect to buy your product.
How can you translate those techniques into "selling" accessibility?
Remember, web developers are creating websites for 75-80% of the population
(the majority of visitors) that does not experience accessibility barriers.
How can you make it easier for a web developer to include the 20-25% of the
population (a minority) that has a disability?
Regarding carousels on websites, web developers will continue to use them
because they are very successful mechanisms for the majority of visitors.
They work very well for a visual audience. Since a developer's job is to
produce statistical results of sales or visitors to the site, carousels
improve those statistics which makes their bosses and clients happy, which
in turn keeps web developers employed.
How can you convince developers to make carousels accessible?
Have you asked web developers what they need to make carousels accessible?
How can you make it easy for web developers to make web carousels
Salesmanship 101.
Bevi Chagnon
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