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Re: negative numbers in financial documents
From: Trafford, Logan
Date: Apr 4, 2013 10:18AM
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Thanks Pratik.
I'm assuming then that if they are being ignored, there is a setting within the screen reader that needs to be adjusted? Unfortunately I'm asking this on behalf of someone in our finance department and I'm not able to witness what they're experiencing at the moment, but I believe they are using NVDA.
From: <EMAIL REMOVED> [ <EMAIL REMOVED> ] on behalf of Pratik Patel [ <EMAIL REMOVED> ]
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 12:06 PM
To: 'WebAIM Discussion List'
Subject: Re: [WebAIM] negative numbers in financial documents
Trafford, Logan Wrote:
Quick question. What is the best method (or accepted method) of indicating
negative numbers in financial reports (e.g. Word and/or web).
The standard accounting practice is to but brackets around negative values,
but how is this interpreted through screen readers. Are the brackets
ignored? Is there a better way??
PP: Screen readers can identify punctuations including - (minus sign) or
Pratik Patel
Founder and CEO, EZFire
T: 718-928-5529
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