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Re: insight re Android accessibility from a blind user


From: Lucy Greco
Date: Apr 7, 2013 5:56PM

This is a great read and I agree with much of what Marko says but I am
to stubborn to go to an I phone. But I think much of the problem with
both platforms os is a learning curb. It's sad that a blind person just
can't pick up a device like their peers and start using it. both the I
phone and android have a sharp learning curb for blind users and I don't
see anything changing in the future. In less we as a community come up
with standard interface rules just like w3c has standards for web coding
but I think this time we the users need to be more vocal in the making of
these standards. or again blind people will have to use rules that were
written by well-meaning sited people that think they know what it is like
to use an interface as a blind person. Lucy

Lucia Greco
Web Access Analyst
IST-Campus Technology Services
University of California, Berkeley
(510) 289-6008 skype: lucia1-greco
Follow me on twitter @accessaces